Empty Words
It’s hard to sing songs of praise knowing you don’t believe them; that they are just tunes to fill empty space.
Like feathers they float through the air, catching to acts of God like honey. The breeze, the chirping of birds, the tears of the morning dust being wiped by the day, all evident of the living God.
Floating through air of sin; they plead for God, for belief, for trust.
Empty words fill our days, our hopes, and our dreams. Being in a state in which you have to keep going, and words of worship are the only thing keeping you alive.
Yet every sentence that comes out of our mouth is a lie. Emptiness that can only be filled by the God that never ceases.
Even when He feels that the weight of the words being sung are too light, too easy to just be sung, He never leaves. Passion, Belief, Strength missing from our voices.
Songs of obedience, of trust, of mercy, are pulled into the radio.
Because of the tune, the beat, the bass, we are trapped humming the lyrics to words that are actually
We sing songs with friends, every word escaping our mouth, convicting us of the choices we made yesterday.
We praise and worship the living God, who never stops loving or providing for us, even when we punish Him with empty, broken words.
Like petulant children, we think we know better than the God who has planned our entire future before we were even conceived.
The need for us to be right, to be stronger, to fulfill more than just what He has for us, rips at our soul, tearing us apart. And when we are broken and lost, knowing we need Christ, we cry out with empty words.
The funny thing is, is that God never cares. He knows our words float, empty, like feathers in the air.
Yet He carries us, He fulfills us, He pulls us into Him, calming our fears and anxiety. When His presence heals our pain, our sorrow, our needs, we sing with deliverance!
Then He puts us back into our trials, our tests; stories of our testimony being written on our hands. Oblivious to the purpose of our pain, we cry out, humming the tune of
The poem belongs to the author and the author only. Please don't copy it!! It's their original piece!
Cover page by Khushi Kolte