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What am I? - By Saibah K.

The inspiration behind the art from the artist: "The inspiration behind this piece is so mundane and boring that it's quite ironic lol. I had a school assignment where we had to make a collage presentation of 'who we are', an iceberg question I've grown to despise. I'm quite boring and my sense of identity is far from strong, so out of spite I created this. Stock images, gray colour scheme, corporate minimalist startup aesthetic, I tried making look as infuriatingly monotonous as possible. It's a reflection on the concept of identity and how it's incompetent with the human condition. It's all simply a consumerist scheme, nothing unique or important at all."

Words and artwork by Saibah K.

This art piece belongs to the artist and the artist ONLY! Please don't copy the entire artwork without the artist's knowledge. Being inspired and copying is completely different!!

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